Vince Clients

Find clients that enable you to build compatible Cosmos and Ethereum dApps. The JavaScript module, Swagger Client, can be utilized as a REST interface in this process.

Here is a list of Vince Clients you can access:



Port (default) </update required>

Swagger Client </requires update>

Ethereum JSON-RPC

Send or query EVM transactions, Tx, using JSON RPC protocol.

Ethereum Websocket

Automatically receive event-driven responses from Ethereum without having to poll the blockchain repeatedly.

Tendermint RPC

Query and broadcast transactions, blocks, and consensus state.

Cosmos gRPC

Query and broadcast Vince Chain transactions using gRPC.

Cosmos REST routes

Deploy on Vince Chain using REST routes via gRPC-gateway.

Tendermint Websocket

Subscribe to different events on Tendermint via its Websocket.


</ Vince Chain Networks, endpoints, port (default) for Mainnet and Testnet Tables in Markdown. Update required>

Last updated