Set Up Validators

Learn to set up Vince Chain validators

Vince Chain Validator Setup

The following guide will help you in setting up a Vince Chain validator on any hardware that meets the Node requirement. The commands below apply to any Linux OS.

Login for permission as a root user

sudo apt update 
sudo apt upgrade 
sudo apt install git snap snapd gcc g++ make 
sudo snap install go --channel=1.18/stable --classic
sudo adduser vincechain 
sudo usermod -aG sudo vincechain

Log off root user login as vinced user

Duplicate and compile vinced, then run the following commands:

git clone 
cd vincechain 
make install 
sudo cp ~/go/bin/vinced /usr/local/bin/vinced

Setup vinced Genesis and Peers

To setup vinced Genesis and Peers, try running the following commands:

cd ~ 
vinced config chain-id vincechain_1000-3 
vinced config keyring-backend file
vinced init <validator_name> --chain-id vincechain_1000-3
cd ~/.vinced/config 
sudo mv genesis.json gen.old 
sudo wget
cd ~

Setting up systemd

First, edit this file: sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/vinced.service

Then enter the following commands into the edited file above and save it:

Description=Vince Chain Node

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/echelond start


Then use the following commands to start, stop, restart, and view logs.

sudo systemctl start vinced
sudo systemctl status vinced
sudo systemctl enable vinced

Setting up wallet

Write down this command: vinced keys add --keyring-backend=file

It's for your wallet address and mnemonic phrase.

To check your balance

Enter the following command: vinced query bank balances --keyring-backend=file

Replacing validator name

Upon receiving the fund, you may replace your validator name with the receiver's VCE address.

The command line below used 1000000 VCE (equivalent to 1000000000000000000000000 avince or 10-18 vince) as example:

vinced tx staking create-validator --amount=1000000000000000000000000avince --pubkey=$(vinced tendermint show-validator) --moniker="<validatorname>" --from=<vincechain1address> --min-self-delegation="1" --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" --commission-max-rate="0.20" --commission-rate="0.05" --chain-id=vincechain_1000-3 --keyring-backend=file


If the keyring fails, you can recover it with: vinced keys add --recover

You may watch vinced logs with the following command: sudo journalctl -u vinced -f

Last updated