Quick Start

Adding Vince Chain to Metamask wallet manually

Install Metamask on your Chromium browser by visiting https://metamask.io/

After installing Metamask on your browser, Log in to your wallet or create a new account

In your wallet, click the top right oblong and go to Settings > Networks > Add Network then fill out the form as shown below.

To add a new network, enter the following RPC details:

  • Network Name: Vince Chain

  • New RPC or NODE URL: https://rpc.vincescan.com/

  • Chain ID: 1000

  • Token/ Currency Symbol: VCE

  • Block Explorer Address: https://vincescan.com/

See the graphics below for further guidance:

Vince Chain RPC Mirrors

You may run many nodes on Vince Chain. However, validators may need to notify the dev team for more details on how to navigate the process. You may contact the team on Telegram to do so. That said, you may use any of the following Vince Chain EVM RPCs:

  • evm.vce.network

  • jsonrpc-vincechain.nodestake.top

  • draco.vce.network

  • rpc.vce.network

Adding Vince Chain to Keplr

Install Keplr on your Chromium browser by visiting https://www.keplr.app/.

Sign in to your existing wallet by entering your password or seed phrase. Or set up your new wallet account using any of the three sign-in methods.

  • One-click Google sign-in

  • Seed phrase/mnemonics method (create a new account or import existing account)

  • Connect external or hardware wallet (eg. Ledger and Keystone)

You can connect your Keplr wallet to Vince Chain once you sign into your wallet. The Vince Chain mainnet network is already built into Keplr; simply search Vince Chain by clicking on the extension and scrolling to select the network.

You should receive the default mainnet network configurations for Keplr. Open your site/project (having a testnet configuration); a window will request your approval for the chain and the Chain-id. Once approved, the testnet will be selectable under the Beta support section of Keplr Wallet.

Using Vince Chain DApp

Upon launching Vince Chain's dApp, you can interact with both the EVM and Cosmos SDK. Simply visit https://vincechain.com and click Launch App to get started. You can access Vince Chain's features and, including staking, governance, validator delegation, among other things. You can get started by signing in through Metamask or Keplr using our RPC EVM details.

Installing a Vince Chain Node

You can install and sync a Vince Chain full node directly to the blockchain. You can also run a validator node or private EVM RPC node.

Build and install the Vince Chain binaries from the source or use Docker or Kubernetes.

Installing Go for Compiling Vince Chain

Vince Chain was developed with Golang V 1.18+

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.18.linux-amd64.tar.gz 

wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.18.linux-amd64.tar.gz

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xvf go1.18.linux-amd64.tar.gz

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

go version

Installing Vince Chain Binaries

Using Git to Clone and build Vince Chain

git clone 
cd vincechain

make install
cp ~/go/bin/vinced/usr/local/bin/vinced


bash install.sh

Check the vinced binaries' [vinced] status to ensure they have been successfully installed.

Installing Genesis and Peers

wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/vincechainlabs/ee862f58850fc1b5ee6a6fdccc3130d2/raw/55c2c4ea2fee8a9391d0dc55b2c272adb804054a/genesis.json

mv genesis.json ~/.vinced/config/

vinced validate-genesis

sed -i.bak -e "s/^seeds =.*/seeds = "480db41faea6713405c93c505ff710a05d1fc801@,6cd1cc8658dc66523f6e8d9ddf7dacae2ef62e6a@,b001eeb22b03e74d5c57c4c097359a9f8c564dd1@,302ccf96853501c14060ffac2e1885bed6385f00@,395dc53caf836f04474aa8069e8099b0629763a1@,2bdc83cc8b257db83ff2960551d27095b0a05297@,36f4fa7eb614fcac286dcd2da589d10f5c22a1cc@,43578411489fc67dba6aec6138f804cdf179cd7c@,681a6dd92e7946ac84175f246e675b00acdb0495@,cbf34b5ba7820b3bbf0a39e492fdc8665cfd8417@,a117b9bdd2b311097482be204a8b457317e21de5@,25f3553b2d7fb6934864d35fac713ace09c97911@,c06315472b5489b8d8b88622b86bc1e29b94002d@,41535ab44424500f44bb1b8d85fd941859991067@"/" ~/.vinced/config/config.toml

sed -i.bak -e "s/^persistent_peers =./persistent_peers = "480db41faea6713405c93c505ff710a05d1fc801@,6cd1cc8658dc66523f6e8d9ddf7dacae2ef62e6a@,b001eeb22b03e74d5c57c4c097359a9f8c564dd1@,302ccf96853501c14060ffac2e1885bed6385f00@,395dc53caf836f04474aa8069e8099b0629763a1@,2bdc83cc8b257db83ff2960551d27095b0a05297@,36f4fa7eb614fcac286dcd2da589d10f5c22a1cc@,43578411489fc67dba6aec6138f804cdf179cd7c@,681a6dd92e7946ac84175f246e675b00acdb0495@,cbf34b5ba7820b3bbf0a39e492fdc8665cfd8417@,a117b9bdd2b311097482be204a8b457317e21de5@,25f3553b2d7fb6934864d35fac713ace09c97911@,c06315472b5489b8d8b88622b86bc1e29b94002d@,41535ab44424500f44bb1b8d85fd941859991067@"/" ~/.vinced/config/config.toml

You may also access installvce.sh from this repo:

wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/vincechainlabs/15762a88ebd8deadaeeed5600d4e0b77/raw/53425c4a024060fc474a0ca7a79f2f2eb5852336/installech.sh

chmod +x installvce.sh

bash installvce.sh

Building Vince Chain with Docker

Create a Docker container by entering this command inside the Git repository: make build-docker

This result will produce: vincechainlabs/vincechain:latest, allowing you to run vincedin the container.

Vince Chain x systemd

Description=Echelon Node

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/vinced start


Add this to a new file under /etc/systemd/system/vinced.service

Then you may start, stop, restart, and view logs using the following commands:

sudo systemctl start vinced
sudo systemctl status vinced
sudo systemctl enable vinced

journalctl -u vinced -f

Last updated