Building a dApp front-end

Front-end is the interface where users can interact with a decentralized application. It is a combination of the user interface (UI) and the user experience that comes with it. A front-end is a significant part of your application because it presents the rough work in an orderly and user-friendly manner.

Front-ends of many applications are usually designed and developed with at least a markup language (HTML), CSS, JavaScript, and Python, as well as APIs that enhance interactivity and user experience on the dApp.

As decentralized products, dApps are usually hosted on peer-to-peer networks instead of centralized servers. Doing so promotes decentralization and maintains the benchmark set by blockchain’s founding fathers.

Although it is said that backend developers do most of the rough work, front-end devs must have an ample understanding of some backend concepts to help build interactive applications with great user experiences. That said, front-end devs should understand and read smart contracts data, integrate APIs, understand Contract Application Binary Interface (ABI), and integrate oracles, among many other functionalities needed to build excellent dApp front-ends.

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